Sunday, April 24, 2011


And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
We live and we learn. We grow in our understanding of things and of people. I have to say that in this past in the past month in a half or so, I have grown in my own understanding. Honestly, starting this blog, I didn't think I'd keep up with it. I've tried to keep diaries and journals before, but usually after a few days I give it up. So when I made this commitment, to blog everyday, it looked a little doubtful. 53 blog posts later, here I am with having missed only one day. (P.S. Lent isn't really 40 days, that's why I have more posts).  In doing this, God really did help me to keep up with this commitment. I sort of proved to myself that I could keep up with a dairy/blog. It felt really good to come before the computer at night and looking back at my day, reflecting upon and actually thinking about how God had influenced it or finding bible verses that defined my day. Most of the time, we go through our daily motions without even thinking. We're just little robots going through our routinely life. What we do less then is take the time to meditate over what it was we really did. Setting apart this time every night, even if it was just 5 minutes to search for a quick bible verse, gave me a consistency, a new routine to add to my day. A routine that would allow to look back at what wonderful or life changing thing God lead me to do that day. He leads each one of us in different directions and in different ways. Lets see how this looks a year from now. I want to come back to this, implement it into my yearly routine, and do it again for lent next year. Maybe even make a new blog? Might be pushing it though. I'll just go to wherever it is God guides me. 